


~ I Build Web Apps ~
I'm Jake, and I love building beautifully complex software for the Web. I'm a fullstack developer with an affinity for JavaScript MV* and RAILS APIs.
~ Work ~


This Yeoman Generator provides a nice set of defaults for ground-up web development, utilizing Coffeescript, Browserify, Gulp, and Jade templates.

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My first true foray into webapps. GitHUD is a Backbone app that displays repository statistics and other data from Github's API.

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This portfolio is an implementation of the above Dyno Generator, and is a perfect example of over-engineering. Granted, the technologies used are better suited for large-scale webbapps, but I'll take any excuse to use beautiful technologies.

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Client Work

Since graduating from The Iron Yard Academy, I have been the lead developer on several projects. Contact me for more info.

~ About ~
I love solving complex problems, creating beautiful user interfaces, and drinking good beer with good people. I'm an avid rock climber, a stickler for the details, and a generally goofy fella.